Thursday, December 1, 2016

Ode to the Christmas Tree

Ode to the Christmas Tree

And now the page has turned once again.
The calendar’s colors glisten white and gold,
Replacing Thanksgiving’s browns and amber
With December’s barrenness and cold.

Amidst the hoary and ashen landscape
Pointing straightway to the skies,
Draping green its mighty branches,
Alone this ancient cedar decries

Its praise for its own glorious Creator
Who gave it depth and richly glow.
It stands as a noble emerald arbor
Heralding shelter ‘neath its stately bow.

Yet, it bends and falls to dogged teeth
Whose bite parts trunk and earth.
Now this evergreen moves fast-bound and wounded
Unknowingly destined to an end of joy and mirth.

Where once its bristles were lovingly adorned
By glistening raindrop and snow,
Its fragrant bows are now nestled and topped
By garland, ornaments and candles’ glow.

Though bedecked in light of various hues
And draped in spheres and bells,
This mighty cedar of the forest glen still
Perseveres, its core and vital message to tell

Of the Creator to Whom it others steers
Each day and night without reservation,
Whose love was so great for the creature, man,
That He became him to make his propitiation.

As the tree unwittingly gives its life  
For a few weeks an object of holy celebration,
So the Creator’s Son voluntarily became
Mankind’s sacrifice, a gift of Divine reconciliation.

When now we stand before the tree of lights
We carefully erect in living room or hall,
Let its lights remind us of Him who illumines our hearts

And its peak point us to His love which surpasses all.

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