“We give thanks to You, O God; we give thanks, and Your name is near; Your wondrous works declare it.”(rf. Ps. 75:1 MEV)
The one dynamic that separates our Thanksgiving celebration from all other holidays is or what should be the central focus of the day—giving thanks. This is a time purposefully set aside to give thanks to God for the many blessings that He has given to us throughout the preceding year. It is a clear recognition that those blessings were not brought into being by ourselves but bestowed upon us by One far greater than we could ever be. It is an opportunity for us to stop from our busyness and take inventory of what we have that others less fortunate than ourselves do not and be grateful. We do not rejoice in the disparity, but, rather, because of our bounty, we can bless others by helping to meet their needs. This is a holiday not to celebrate self-centeredness or pride. It is a reminder to be selfless in our generosity and humble that we have been the beneficiaries of so many good things from God’s hand.
God delights in hearing from us in reference to how much we appreciate Him and the gifts He has given to us. When we give to others, it blesses us immensely to hear how much their lives have been touched and enhanced by our gift. If that is the case with us as sinful human beings, how much more does the heart of God rejoice to hear the thanks and praises of His people!
Thanking God should never be a chore nor a matter of compulsion or a feeling that “I have to do this”. To give God appreciation should be a part of our common routine, though never allowed to become mere ritual with words devoid of heart and meaning. Rather, we should always be in an attitude of thanksgiving, aware of God’s Presence and blessings, ever responding to the many gifts He gives to us each day. In this way, celebrating Thanksgiving is but a corporate expression of what He expects from us individually. When He hears our hearts of appreciation and declarations of praise, He is ready to show us even more acts of love and mercy.
Keep in mind that the celebration of Thanksgiving lies on the cusp of a new Church year with the season of Advent waiting in the wings to begin. So, may our hearts be refreshed by the joy and gladness in our giving of thanks to the Lord as we prepare to wait and rejoice for the coming of His Son, Jesus Christ, God in the flesh to be our Emmanuel, “God with us” forever.
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