Wednesday, January 5, 2022

A Negative or Positive Heart: What God Wants to See Within Us

As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

(Prov. 23:7 KJV)


            New beginnings are very good times to develop new perspectives on how we act, interact and live our lives. As Christians the standard for doing these things is so high, it is literally out of reach for us apart from God’s grace being operational continuously in us. We do not have the capacity to do good or to be good in ourselves. The Apostle Paul wrote about this truth extensively in the first few chapters of his letter to the Romans (see chaps. 1-3). It is on the basis of this truth of our own innate sinfulness that he builds his doctrine of justification by faith since we cannot justify ourselves before God on the foundation of our merits. However, pursuing a discussion on the reality of this doctrine is not my intent in this article; therefore, forgive my digression.

            Rather, having pauses in our lives gives us an opportunity to reflect on how we are living and behaving toward others around us. Many of us do a good job of fooling ourselves into believing that we are better than we really are. Some are quick to point out the “speck that is in (our) brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in (our) own eye” (rf. Matt. 7:3 NASB). Others have an ongoing love affair with negativity and, like a fog bank of noxious and deadly gases, they have a poisonous effect on all of the people and relationships in their lives. Still others, because they were treated poorly in their past, feel the need to become the victim in every situation so that all ill that they experience is someone else’s fault and never their own. These are just a few examples of how the principle exhibited by the author of this proverb above, likely Solomon, comes to life. 

            Solomon here states that our actions and attitudes are directly reflective of the status of our heart. If our heart is negative, dark, vindictive, victimized, then our perspective and deeds cannot but be adverse. We will keep people at arms-length, always striking first at them so that we are not hurt ourselves…again. If our heart is positive and overwhelmed by the grace of God, then our conduct will follow suit. We will be thankful for all the blessings we have experienced in the past and look forward to feeling God’s favor in the future. We will also treat others with kindness, compassion, love and mercy, all qualities of the Lord Jesus who has brought His Spirit and salvation into our lives.

            Therefore, my encouragement to all of us is to take an honest, personal assessment of where our hearts lie in terms of being negative or positive. If we see that negativity is our “calling card”, then we need to ask the Lord to make Himself, His Spirit and His Gospel real within us, to change us and transform us by His power so that we can be used by Him to affect positive change. If we see that His love is operational within us and our viewpoint toward others is constructive, optimistic and service-oriented, then may we ask the Lord to give us even more opportunities to be His agents of encouragement and affirmation. We all need to arrive at this point of submissiveness to His greater use so we can see Him do more of His good in our own lives and in the lives of others, as individual believers and as His Church.

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