As we assess the moral direction of our country over the last generation or so, it is easily apparent that we have moved away from the directives God teaches so clearly in His Word. Marriages are crumbling at a rate for Christians much the same, if not more frequently, than our unbelieving counterparts. Living together and premarital sex is rapidly becoming an acceptable norm among those who call themselves by the name of Christ. Because of the efforts of the growth of liberalism within the country as a whole, the level of comfort with homosexuality and same-sex marriage/unions is likewise growing within the ranks of Christendom as is the perception that one can be both gay and Christian at the same time with no conflict of interests.
For some, they believe that the Christian community has lost the argument when it comes to morality, especially as applied to sexual issues. When one realizes that the culture has lost its bearings and no longer has an objective standard by which it operates, there may be a modicum of truth in that belief. The culture (and by extension, much of the Christian church as well) view the issues of life and of sexuality, in particular, from the perspective of fairness rather than right or wrong (because of that lack of a moral compass). Thus, when one points out, for instance, that adultery is wrong, such a statement falls on the deaf ears of this culture since the present society sees its actions only in the light of what it wants or desires. In other words, if one’s mate does not satisfy, it is only fair that one finds another to take up the slack in need. This accounts for the high divorce rate, broken families, single-parent homes, and the many children raised in dysfunctional situations. Where did we go wrong?
The answer would take at least one book to write to do it justice. However, in regards to the issue at hand, morals and sexuality, the Bible has much to say. Indeed, the Scriptures are the standard by which we are to operate in every area of life, but, especially, in this important one. We find ourselves at the bottom of the moral high ground on the issue of sexuality largely because our approach to the subject has been one of timidity and fear. We knew what was right, good and correct as far as God was concerned, but we promoted it wrongly, thus sending mixed signals, not only into the marketplace of ideas, but, more importantly, to our own constituency. In so doing, we sowed the seeds of our own failure to build a solid fortress against which the Enemy could not successfully assail with perverted concepts and twisted versions of the truth. We allowed him to take what was beautiful in God’s Word and make it nasty, marketing it as tempting and something good that God was purposefully keeping from us (the same lie used in the Garden of Eden).
What we should have promoted all along was the truth. God created sex and sexuality (rf. Gen. 1:27; 2:24). He gave it purpose and beauty, intending for it not to be just an act, but a bonding experience between the husband and wife that He had joined together in marriage (rf. Gen. 2:24; 4:1). These parameters, He put into place so that they could spend a lifetime getting to know each other emotionally, spiritually and physically (rf. Heb. 13:4a). The opportunities for such were to be limited only on rare occasions by mutual prayer and fasting (rf. I Cor. 7:3-5). As God specified, no one else beyond the two of them was allowed into this most intimate of relationships because it was considered holy unto God (rf. I Cor. 6:9; Heb. 13:4b), and because He had blessed it as good. Indeed, the Song of Solomon in total is a love story exhibiting in graphic detail what this relationship should like as both husband and wife pursue each other with passion, enjoying the blessing of each other’s God-given sexuality.
When viewed from this perspective, we see these issues in a whole new light. Sex and our sexuality have nothing whatsoever to do with the idea of fairness. God established the moral precepts of proper sexuality as a means of protecting its beauty and goodness as well as those experiencing it. We would be wise to uphold the parameters He has put into place and teach those around us, especially our children, to do likewise. If we as believers in Christ follow His directives, rather than the example of the culture around us, we will again take the moral high ground and be able to lead folks down better paths, not just in regards to this issue, but also touching every issue of life as addressed by God’s holy Word.
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