Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Compromise Not The Truth of God

I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths. But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” (rf. II Timothy 4:1-5)

If the Apostle Paul were present today, he would say the time of this prophetic word has arrived. The Western world, in particular, has fallen prey to the myths of self-indulgence and self-gratification. These are the things that are of foremost importance in the lives of most church-goers today—what pleases me, what gratifies my desires. It certainly is the predominant theme of the culture so it must be translated within the confines of the church. Thus, as the Apostle Paul puts it, the church body becomes adamant about “wanting to have their ears tickled”, their felt needs met, their self-esteem lifted, their egos stroked, so they feel better after having been to church, much like having gone to a sauna or received a massage, or, better yet, having attended a motivational lecture.

However, notice that the Apostle Paul does not equate these prophesied rising desires of the church masses to be originated by God nor driven by His Holy Spirit. He states clearly that this is a turning “away their ears from the truth” and a turning “aside to myths”. Anytime, we make a shift from God to self, it is not a positive move nor is it ever God-initiated. Again, if the Apostle Paul lived today he would be radically surprised and disappointed at how far removed we are from a properly Scriptural God-centered position. We need only to listen to the change that has taken place in contemporary Christian music in the last twenty years to see this reality. Two decades ago CCM used to be largely focused on giving praise solely to God for Who He is and what He is up to in the world. Now, most, not all, of CCM is centered on building the self-esteem of the Christian (or non-Christian) hearer, telling him/her how beautiful he/she is because of how God has made them and how Jesus can serve as the ultimate boy-/girl-friend. In making these comments, I am not being overly critical as much as I am being objective in listening to the actual lyrics and comparing them as a long-time listener of contemporary Christian music, ranging back to the days of Dallas Holm, Keith Green and Sandi Patti. I know from whence I speak (or write in this case).

CCM is only one example. The pulpit ministry is another. More and more ministers are being selected for service, not on the basis of calling, but whether or not they have “star” power. Denominations and churches have been overcome with the belief that entertainment value, powerful personalities, and dynamic visuals are the things that make successful ministries because they feel they must compete with a world and culture that is media driven. They have completely neglected the fact that it is Christ who is the Head of the Church and provides the people to serve within His fold according to the gifts needed at each location (rf. Ephesians 4:11-12; 5:23). It is all just another example of a people who have turned “aside their ears from the truth” and turned “aside to myths”.

The truth is exactly and is simply what the Apostle Paul shared in his encouragement to Timothy, “preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with... the work of an evangelist, fulfill (the) ministry.” Jesus stated it plainly in the Gospel of John, “Thy Word is truth.” The Church must return to its roots of being grounded and centered on Scripture in all of its efforts and beliefs. That may sound simplistic, but it is what we are called by the Lord Himself to do. When we are obedient to that dictate, it makes us inherently distinct from the world and culture. Then, through this distinction and our reliance upon, as well as our disbursal of, His truth, we begin to see the lost in the world and culture come to salvation in Christ and become a part of the family of God. As long as we are faithful reflectors and proclaimers of His Gospel, He will use us to do “the work of an evangelist, fulfill(ing the work of the) ministry” to which He has called each of us.

Therefore, like Timothy, let us hold fast to His truth. Let us take this “solemn charge” seriously, repelling the culture, embracing the distinction, declaring the reality that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is central to every aspect of our lives as shown by all our words, thoughts and actions. May we be the starting point of God’s new work to revitalize His Church today!

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