“Thus says the Lord: Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths where the good way is and walk in it, and you shall find rest for your souls.” (rf. Jer. 6:16 MEV)
In the past few decades, the way that Christians worship God has been changed dramatically. What used to be a very reverent time of coming before the Lord with prayers, praise, honor and adoration has in many cases morphed into a time to engage in an emotional display, focusing on physical responses to the songs, while believing that worship and music style are equal to each other. Where the Reformers focused on the right teaching and communication of the Word along with the correct perspective on celebrating the Sacraments (i.e. the Lord’s Supper and Baptism), modern Christianity has substituted life coaching and inspirational messages for exegetical sermons, focusing rather on bullet points, minimal Scriptures and personal or celebrity anecdotes. Not all churches view worship this way, but many do as they seek to bridge into a culture that has no appreciation for the Christian faith, Jesus or the Bible. Overall, though motives may have been good in the hope of building a positive connection with unbelievers, these adaptations have done nothing but water down and provide an inaccurate portrayal of Almighty God. We have been guilty of creating a desirable god “in our own image”, worshipped in the way that we like, not the way He desires.
These changes will come back to haunt us as we move into the future. As Hosea states in 8:7, “they sow the wind and they reap the whirlwind.” We may very well have already arrived at this juncture when noting the rise in percentage of those in our country who desire no “religious affiliation” along with those who are turned completely off to Christianity by the close ties Evangelicals, in particular, have made with each of the polarized political parties. American Christians are finding that they have lost a great deal of credibility by following the ways of the world and the culture.
We need to regain the concept of God and His authority over us not acting as we have authority over Him. We need to remember that He is a God of order and not of chaos and confusion (rf. I Corinthians 14:33), having established a certain level of decorum and protocol as we approach His throne in worship. Our God typically communicates His word and will through His written Word and the “still small voice” of His Holy Spirit (rf. I Kings 19:12), neither of which can be heard unless we are “still and know that (He is) God” (rf. Psalm 46:10), relishing in His Presence. True worship is not about us being emotionally or physically charged up as a result; it’s totally about us being humble, quiet, and respectful before Him while being excited, anticipating and open to His Spirit’s movement in our hearts as we approach the Lord.
The “old paths” referenced above speak of the previously confirmed ways that God would have His people live and worship, ways in which the Lord has already shown His pleasure. Nothing about our relationship and adoration of God is left for us to decide. From the beginning to the end of time, God alone calls the shots on how He operates and how He desires for His people to live and worship. Hopefully, modern American Christianity will appropriate this truth sooner than later and make the changes necessary that align our actions with His desires. If so, His blessings will soon follow when He sees His people obedient to His will and directions.