At the most recent community ministerial gathering, we were discussing how the Church ought to be doing a better job impacting our culture and world. Since we represented different dynamics and traditions of the faith, we provided interesting input into the question at hand. However, as the conversation progressed, we came to a rather unanimous conclusion. The Church as a whole needs to return to its theological, Biblical and moral roots, to her true identity in order to make the necessary inroads into this era of complacency and degradation. She needs to reaffirm her commitment to Christ to be “salt and light” by her actions as well as her devotion to God’s Word and the doctrines of truth.
It was noteworthy to see the unity displayed in our midst over these points. We all agreed that there first must be an emphasis on a real experiential relationship with Jesus Christ at the very heart of all that the Church does, but that we should not forget that salvation was provided in order to bring us into the body of Christ, not to make us “lone rangers” for the cause of Christ. We are not saved to be independent entities unto ourselves. We are called to serve each other, along side each other at the feet of our Lord and Savior.
Secondly, out of this salvation comes a moral obligation to be pure and holy before Him. We not only recognize Christ as Savior, we bow before Him as Lord and King. In so doing, He has given us His Ten Commandments by which we are to show ourselves different from the rest of the world in the living of our lives. He Himself in the Gospels taught us that these Commandments are not just outward acts of obedience, but are inward motivations of the heart. We also know from the writings of Paul that we can never fulfill them by our own strength. Only by the power of the indwelling Presence of the Holy Spirit can obedience to them be accomplished. Christ alone fulfilled them perfectly and in Him our lack is abundantly covered. Yet, the Ten Commandments as the Moral Law still presents to us our standard of living so that, even in our failed attempts to keep it, we will present to the world a witness of distinction as a reflection of the Christ who indwells us.
Thirdly, as believers, even from different traditions, we do have a common basis of belief in doctrine. We trace our backgrounds from the same family tree through Church history. As such, there are particular creeds in the early years of the Church that are reflective of what we as Christians know to be true. Examples of these creeds would be the Athanasian and Nicean Creeds. However, the oldest one and easiest to remember is the Apostles’ Creed. In its simplicity are statements of the profound pillar truths of the faith upon which all orthodox (“right/correct teaching”) believers agree. Therefore, we need to return to these truths and teach them diligently to our congregations so that they clearly understand what the Christian faith is all about and how to defend it accurately and succinctly.
Just imagine what would happen in our country, in our culture, in our world, if such a measure were undertaken. The Church would undoubtedly look and act much differently than she does today. Because of her distinction, the Church would grasp the attention of the world around her in that the truth she would speak and the actions she would take would be reflective of the Savior she has been called to imitate. The Church would then have the moral authority to be heard and respected, if we as believers all followed the above same course in our respective traditions, focusing on the things that we have in common in Christ rather than the things that we perceive divide us and thus weaken our witness before the world.
All it takes a few minutes of viewing the news to see that the culture and the world desperately needs and requires the Church to be the Church that Christ called forth and gave His life to save. Now is the time for His people to come together and go back to the things that make us who were are in Him...
by the power of His Spirit
in accordance with His Word
to the glory of His Name
may it be so.